As we inch closer to the festive season, one thing is clear: holiday shopping is starting earlier every year. In 2024, brands should be ready to engage consumers long before Black Friday or Cyber Monday rolls around. Early shoppers are becoming a key demographic, and understanding their behaviours is essential to maximising your Q4 sales.

1. Shoppers Are Starting Earlier Than Ever

It is said that 45% of consumers plan to begin their holiday shopping before Halloween​

What’s driving this trend? With rising concerns over shipping delays, inventory shortages, and the desire to spread out costs, shoppers are looking for peace of mind by getting ahead of the holiday rush. Retailers like Amazon and Target are capitalising on this shift by offering early sales events, helping to ease pressure on their logistics systems later in the year.

2. The Rise of Mobile Shopping

In 2024, mobile shopping is expected to dominate even more than before, with 58% of holiday purchases expected to be made on smartphones​ (Klaviyo). Consumers value convenience, and brands that haven’t fully optimised their mobile experience risk losing sales. Simple mobile navigation, fast load times, and easy checkout processes are non-negotiable. Make sure your site is ready to handle the holiday traffic surge, especially during Black Friday and early sales events.

3. Early Promotions Drive Conversions

With shoppers starting early, pre-Black Friday deals and early access sales have become critical for brands looking to capture the attention of holiday planners. In fact, nearly half of early holiday shoppers look for deals well before November. Offering limited-time discounts or exclusive bundles leading up to Halloween can create a sense of urgency and drive early sales.

Loyalty programs can also play a key role, offering early access to deals for your most engaged customers. This not only boosts pre-holiday sales but helps build long-term customer relationships, keeping your brand top of mind through the season.

4. Sustainability Matters to Early Shoppers

In 2024, sustainability is more important than ever, especially among younger generations like Gen Z and Millennials. Studies show that 57% of holiday shoppers are more likely to purchase from brands that prioritize eco-friendly packaging and sustainable products. If your brand can deliver on these expectations, you’ll not only capture early shoppers but also earn their loyalty for future seasons. Be sure to highlight these attributes in your marketing and product descriptions.

5. Holiday Shopping Trends by Age Group

Different generations exhibit unique shopping behaviors:

  • Gen Z and Millennials are likely to shop early and prefer online experiences, particularly on mobile.
  • Gen X often balances both online and in-store shopping but appreciates personalized offers and convenience.
  • Boomers tend to shop closer to the holidays but increasingly rely on digital channels for research.

Understanding these behaviors allows brands to tailor marketing strategies for different demographics, ensuring that promotions resonate with your audience.

6. Practical Tips to Capture Early Shoppers

Here’s how your brand can capitalize on early holiday shopping trends:

  • Start Promotions Early: Launch holiday offers as early as mid-October, with themed bundles or discounts.
  • Utilise Data for Targeting: Segment your audience based on past behavior to send personalized offers and early access deals.
  • Prepare Your Site: Ensure your website can handle an influx of traffic, is mobile-optimized, and has a smooth checkout process.
  • Highlight Sustainability: If your products are eco-friendly, make sure customers know. This can set your brand apart in a crowded marketplace.
  • Plan for Extended Sales: Consider offering discounts throughout November and December to capture both early and last-minute shoppers.


The early holiday shopping trend is here to stay, and 2024 is no exception. By starting promotions early, focusing on mobile optimization, and offering exclusive deals, your brand can capture the attention of these proactive shoppers. With early access promotions and sustainability playing a significant role, brands that embrace these trends will not only drive early sales but build lasting customer relationships.

To further refine your strategy, consider a Free BFCM Audit, which can help you create a tailored approach to maximise your holiday success.

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