Increased ROAS by 506%

41% of revenue from email marketing

15+ videos per month

How it


Belladaar is an LA based jewellery brand, focusing on pieces that are made for everyday wear, and designed to last. Rachel founded the brand 12 years ago, and it’s since grown from strength to strength having celeb features from the likes of Vanessa Hudgins, and Amanda McCants consistently.

In the last year, we’ve been able to double the ROAS for Belladaar through implementation of our UGC systems and rigorous hook testing, iterations and development.

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How it's


When we onboarded Belladaar in Nov 2022, our first priority was developing their market leader positioning, and honing in on their ideal customer persona/s. It was through this in-depth customer analysis that we were able to create the UGC formats and structures that would ultimately scale them into the multi-million dollar brand that they are today. 

Our acquisition-first focused approach for Belladaar consisted of rigorous creative testing in order to effectively penetrate the saturated jewellery market in the US. With constant development we were able to create a variety of content that allowed us to effectively scale ad spend quickly through Meta, while simultaneously seeing the ROAS climb. Within three months of our partnership, we’d increased the ROAS by 506% - a huge jump

This allowed for further re-investment into paid spend, along with development of retention systems. The product quality of Belladaar is second to none, so we had no troubles in scaling the revenue throughout email marketing to over 40% by month six of our partnership (up from the 11% when we began working together). 

It’s been a great brand to see grow, and we’re confident that the coming years will continue to be bigger and better for Rachel at Belladaar. 

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Short-form Content

Here's some examples of the short form videos we've created.
See more UGC
See more UGC

Results we've generated

Here's a quick insight into some of the results we've generated.

I got started with Mongoose Social about 9 months ago now, and since then my ROAS has doubled! We’re now consistently on a 5x ROAS or more with much more ad spend per month. I’m so excited to see where our partnership goes in the future, the team are so great at what they do.
